“Working with Julie from Chimeric Medical Communications was a truly remarkable experience. I contracted her company to work on three large academic grants in the field of CART cell theory. This was the first time for me to invest in medical writing service. Julie is efficient, flexible, easy to work with, and excellent. She did most of the grant writing and editing and I rarely needed to do further edits. This reflects her background both as a clinical pharmacist and as a researcher. Her work ethics are second to none. She was willing to work on the grants through late nights or early morning hours, to meet specific deadlines. I would highly recommend Julie for anyone needing help with medical writing in the field of hematology or CART cell therapy. She is my go-to person any time I need medical/scientific writing.”
Saad J. Kenderian, M.B., Ch.B
Consultant, Hematology, Immunology and Molecular Medicine
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Immunology & Oncology
Director, T Cell Engineering
Mayo Clinic

“I’d known Julie for more than 15 years, so when she shared she had transitioned to medical writing I immediately found her a project. Julie has developed multiple types of deliverables including review articles, PowerPoint presentations, conference recaps, and video scripts for Pharmacy Times Continuing Education. Julie excels at writing assessment questions, so much so, that I’ve asked her to teach our team and co-present on the topic at national meetings. Her experience as a clinical pharmacist shines through in her content as she creates accurate, applicable, and innovative approaches to present complex cancer research as well as realistic patient cases. Julie is one of my top go-to writers for projects in hematologic malignancies.”
Amy (Hatfield) Seung, PharmD, BCOP, FHOPA
Vice President, Scientific Affairs Oncology
Pharmacy Times Continuing Education™ (PTCE)

“It’s a rare event that one finds contract scientific staff that can fulfill the shoes of an entire sci team. Julie has taken on the role of medical director, medical writer, content presenter, and strategic insight on some of my projects and done so in such a seamless way that no one would realize she is not a full time member of my team. Julie’s ability to think creatively about our projects has been such a relief since we focus heavily on novel formats where content is far more nuanced than a slide deck. Her professionalism, knowledge, and talent have made my job easier. It’s important to note that, as a small business owner, I have lots to worry about. When I work with Julie there is such a high level of mutual trust and respect that I find it eases my concerns as Julie will always make it right. And it’s generally spot-on the first time. She is skilled at working directly with faculty, insanely knowledgeable in heme malignancies, and understands the practical aspects of clinical decision making far better than anyone else I have worked with in this capacity. I’m almost hesitant to write a testimonial, which doesn’t nearly do justice, because Julie is such a gem that we want to keep her all to ourselves!”
Allison Kickel, FACEHP, CHCP
Founder and President
Bonum CE, LLC

“I had no follow-up questions on the deliverable and sent it straight to the client after Julie provided an executive summary with key insights on education session at the European Society of Hematology 2022 Congress.”
Susanne Radke, PhD, MBA
MedInContext LLC

“Julie takes complex scientific information and communicates it clearly and succinctly.
She effortlessly tailors her delivery to a wide variety of target healthcare professional audiences. Julie is a pleasure to work with!”
Evelina Kolychev, PharmD, BCOP
Scientific Director- Oncology
Pharmacy Times Continuing Education™ (PTCE)